Friday 19 April 2013

 In the beginning, it only just about Jungle Junction.

Petang tadi kan. Ha iyelah. Everything was crossing superb quickly in my mind. Banyak rasanye mende yang nak ditules tapi bile da on. Oh ye. This time I excidentally blank and plain. Apa yang aku ingat. Tertengok laa satu katun ch.613 niy. Jungle Junction. Alahh~ korang readers mesti tataw tu cerita ape. :) . Aku taw. Okei. Pasal beluncascascas.

Kat situ ade Elevan, Ms. Jolie, BeetleBugs, Dozer and much more. Theyre gotta solve this problemos. Tengah jalan jalan tu, dorang nampak beluncas. * dalam aty aq dah pun telintas itu cacing. Sebab nya kaler purple. Okei mereka tu katun. Then tak pelu nak wonder. :) . Beluncas tu crossing jalan yang dorang nak lalu. Ah, pade dorang kirenya beluncas tu kacaw! Kacaw! Kacaw!

Dorang mule-2 tu bengang ya amat sangat. Marah. Mendap! Tapi si Elevan tu cakap dy akan selesaikan if dorang wat plantar. So sume kene cari bamboo, woods, screws, hammer and tools yang laen. Yeahh yang sonok nye dorang cooperate. Lending hand to one another. Shortly, they tend to get millenium reward. Oh yelah, bukan semua haiwan boley wat camtu. :p . So dlm 3 minit plantar tu pun siap. Motif dorang wat mende tu sbb taknak beluncas-2 tu anggap dorang terroriststststs. Bijak kan? Mungkin minum dumex dha time kecik ney! :p .

Okei BeetleBugs niy pulak ade 5 ekor. 10 sayap. :) . Dorang niy type suke beno komplen. Sume tak betol. Marah, benci, caci, maki, kutukan dan umpamanyalah kat beluncascascas tu. Sbb urusan dorang takley cepat. Dorang tak seda yang beluncas tu da ilang. Grafik tu tunjuk sunflower trus.
 Ms. Jolie pun tenampak. * ehh, cube tengok. Zass dorang pun pandang. Yang beluncas tadi tadi tu kan da jadi rerama. Cantik. Sebab lam katun dy colourful. Naturally, butterfly exactly nice. So, continue. Sume haiwan-2 tu nak kawan ngan butterflies tu. As same goes to those beetlebugs. So much more the happy ending ever.

My universe and the same to ya...

Why did i totally jerk with all i have?
Im choosy and seeking for too much perfectness!

Why did i always fall instead to achieve my desire?
Perhaps, i intent something 'good' else beside my original intention.

I and ya have our own intuition.
Stop babbling, stop nagging.
Because butterflies doesnt know thier appearance, but others does.

Do we still mind and looking for friends by judging their external style?
What theyre wearing? Indeed we must. Not too much obvious.
Too choosy in choosing friend doesnt call it friendship anymore.
It slowly turning hardship.

My pleasure. :) .

#katun niy beguna juga and boley adapt.
#aku fail tules ape yang aku nak tules.
#typo, grammar dan sebagainya harap maaf!
#too long holiday cause too much loading brain to buffer!

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